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Pre Figure Skating  (ages 6 & up)

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Registration Information

8 Classes - Wednesdays
April 2 - May 21
Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:15pm


It is recommended that skaters either have some skating experience or have taken one of our CanSkate or Tots classes prior to enrolling in this program. 


This class is designed for skaters between the ages of 6 and 11 that wish to “fast track” into the sport of figure skating. The Fundamental Movements continue to be instructed, but with a focus on figure skating. It is recommended that skaters should have passed Stage 2 of the CanSkate program to participate in this program, however the Director of Skating may make exceptions. Classes are 45 minutes in length and figure skates are required.


The program focuses on development of six fundamental movements organized in six stages of learning.  Once the skills on each stage are mastered, a badge is awarded.

  • Stage 1 – Balance

  • Stage 2 – Glide Forward

  • Stage 3 – Glide Backward

  • Stage 4 – Edges

  • Stage 5 – Power

  • Stage 6 – Speed

Pre Figure Skaters must wear a fitted CSA approved hockey helmet, gloves/mittens, layered clothes that allow for freedom of movement and properly fitted skates. Parents must remain in the building during your child’s lesson.


NOTE: Skates, CSA Approved Helmet, Gloves and warm clothing are required. (Due to SkateCanada regulations and insurance coverage skaters without helmets will not be permitted on the ice, parents are not allowed to accompany skaters on the ice) 

No refunds except for medical reasons, with a doctor’s certificate. Refunds will be in the form of ‘credits’ and will be subject to a $35 Administration Fee.


No refunds without a doctors note once classes have started


Helmets are required for all our Tots, CanSkate, Pre Hockey and Pre Figure Skating Classes. Only CSA Approved hockey or ski/snowboard type helmets are allowed. NO BIKE helmets which are considered to be single impact helmets. We recommend Canadian Tire, they have a fantastic selection of helmets, skates and other protective equipment. 

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It's very important that skaters have well fitting figure skating style skates when registering for this class. We recommend any of the skates at the link below. Skates need to fit well and have adequate ankle support. Skater should be able to stand off the ice without ankles falling inwards. 

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